References and Further Reading

You made it to the end of Module 2!

Below are a list of references, resources and further reading from experts in the field, that can help you to learn more about stress and trauma. 

My hope is that you find the right people and the right resources to help you, whether that's here at Stabilise or somewhere else. I hope the links shared below are useful to those who need it. 

  • Bessel van der Kolk (2014). The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, mind, and body in the healing of trauma.  

    This book provides a seminal understanding of how trauma shapes the body and mind, revolutionizing the field of trauma therapy and offering new paths to healing. For a list of all of van der Kolk's work, visit his website here

  • Gabor Maté (2019). The Body Knows the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma.

    This book explores how trauma shapes both the brain and the body, discussing how unresolved trauma can lead to physical and mental health issues, and offering insights into healing through body awareness and emotional work. To view all of Maté's work you can visit his website here.

  • Hilary Jacobs Hendel (2018). It's Not Always Depression: Working the Change Triangle to Listen to the Body, Discover Core Emotions, and Connect to Your Authentic Self.

    This book provides a deep exploration of how unprocessed emotions contribute to trauma, offering a path to healing by reconnecting with and understanding these core emotional experiences. It's written for a general audience so that this work is accessible to all, and it is probably one of my favourite books.  To check out her work, visit her website here

  •  Dan Siegel (2010). Mindsight: The New Science of Personal Transformation.

    This book explores how understanding the brain’s wiring can help us heal from trauma, improve relationships, and create lasting personal change. He also introduces the "Hand Model of the Brain" here.  To view all of Siegel's work you can visit his website here.

  • Judith Herman (1992). Trauma and Recovery: The Aftermath of Violence–From Domestic Abuse to Political Terror.

    This book provides a foundational framework for understanding the impact of trauma, offering profound insights into the psychological and emotional aftermath of traumatic experiences and how recovery can be achieved.