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For this practice we’re gonna be combining breath with sound, where we make an audible “voo” sound out loud, each time we exhale.

  1. Sit on the floor or in a chair, or stand with your feet planted on the ground.
  2. Take a second to intentionally pause, wherever you are. You might be coming into this practice with uncomfortable sensations, emotions, or thoughts, and I'm here to remind you that this is okay. This is a nervous system response - and we can maybe thank our nervous system for trying to protect us, and just spend the next few minutes being curious about trying something new. 
  3. Bring your hands to your belly or diaphragm. 
  4. Inhale, sending the breath into the lower abdomen and letting the belly expand. 
  5. As you exhale, slowly say the word “voo”, letting the sound come from deep in the belly and out. 
  6. Experiment with how you want the sound to come out. Does it feel more comforting to let the sound gently and softly come out in a steady “voooo”, or in this moment does it feel better to push the sound out with some energy, really moving your teeth, jaw and eyes and strengthening your vocal tone as you make the sound, almost becoming a vooo-ahh sound?
  7. Once you find what works for you, repeat for 1-2 mins.
  8. Once you’ve finished, notice if anything is different from just a few moments ago. Are there any shifts, however tiny or subtle, in how your body feels? Remember that whatever comes up is okay, and if you can, just check in with yourself and see if there’s anything else you need in this moment.

( i )       This technique combines our breathing with the use our vocal chords to send a signal along the vagus nerve that activates the parasympathetic nervous system - helping us to come out of a danger response and into the green zone.

Changing the way we make the "voo" sound can also support different needs - if we are feeling agitated and as though we need to discharge some of that active energy from the nervous system it might feel better to push that sound out with more energy and strength. In other instances if we are feeling more anxious or vulnerable it might feel more supportive to let the sound out in a soft and gentle way. Both techniques can be effective - it is all about working with our individual preferences and needs.