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This exercise builds on the green zone exercise called 'Identifying Your Anchors'. If you haven't done that exercise yet, check it out here.

  1. Take a second to intentionally pause, wherever you are. You might be coming into this practice with some really intense feelings, and I'm here to remind you that this is okay. This is a nervous system response, it will pass and I want to thank your nervous system for trying protect you the best way it knows how. And let’s just see if we can be curious about trying something different here, just for a few minutes.
  2. Where are you right now? Find your list of anchors for this space.
  3. Notice your first anchor. Really concentrate on it. What can you notice about it? Are there any details in it that you find maybe interesting or comforting to pay attention to? Spend at least 30-60 seconds really studying this anchor.
  4. If you can, name and describe this anchor out loud — maybe saying — “Soft rug” or “green leaves” — just noticing and naming what is it about this thing that reminds you that you’re here in this present moment. 
  5. Now notice your second anchor. Again, see what you can notice about this one. Spend about 30-60 seconds paying attention to this anchor in the present moment. What does it feel like to shift your focus to a different
  6. Notice also what it feels like to shift your focus to a different sense. Again maybe naming and describing this anchor out loud. This time maybe it’s “lemon scent” or “the taste of mint”. Just noticing and naming what it is about this anchor that feels interesting or comforting right now. 
  7. Now shift your focus to your third anchor. Notice what it’s like to really concentrate on it. Keep paying attention to this anchor for at least 30-60 seconds.
  8. Again see if you can notice if there’s anything about this anchor that reminds you that you’re here in this present moment, maybe naming some words out loud to describe it— like “soothing, soft, warm” — whatever it is that feels  grounding to pay attention to right now. 
  9. Once you’ve finished, notice if anything is different from just a few moments ago. Are there any shifts, however tiny or subtle, in how your body feels? Remember that whatever comes up is okay, and if you can, just check in with yourself and see if there’s anything else you need in this moment.

( i )      Focusing on your sensory experience in the environment around you prompts you to orient to the here and now. Naming physical objects provide a contextual grounding in time and space that grounds our experience, and serve as the infrastructure for higher cognitive processes.

Finding specific sensory anchors that you know make you feel pleasant or neutral can become future touchstones for your nervous system that remind it to calm back down when it’s dysregulated.